Wednesday 13 October 2010

Music Magazine Questionnaire

I did a questionnaire on music magazines and asked the following questions:-

What Genre of music magazines would you buy?
Would you be more attracted to the magazine if there was a celebrity on the front cover?
What is the one thing that attracts you most in buying a music magazine?
Does a music magazine necessarily have to colourful in order for you to buy it?
How much would you be willing to buy for a new music magazine that you liked?

I asked ten people in my class these questions and these are the results i got back:-

Most students said that the magazine that they would buy is Indie.
More students said that they prefer a magazine if there is a celebrity on the front cover.
Most students said that the thing that attracts them most in a magazine is the artist or band on the front cover.
Most students said that the magazine does not have to be colourful in order for them to buy it.
Most people said that the cost that they would be willing to pay is between £2-£3.

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