Wednesday 29 September 2010

trends of Vibe magazine

 In this post i will be analysing the trends of a couple RnB magazines because that is the type of magazine that i have decided to do.

In this magazine Vibe has decided to use a medium close up shot of Kanye West. this is conventional with a magazine like this because you can see the tention in his face. They have focused on facial expressions on this magazine because RnB songs have mixed styles, so there will never be the same facial expressions every issue for example if you were looking at the front cover of a rock magazine then the person on the front cover would look really serious because thats what rock music is like.

The fonts that Vibe have used are very bold and bright colours this is because RnB music tends to be quite cheerful and pleasant so they have used cheerful colours to fit in with the Genre. most RnB fonts are bright and bold colours which makes this magazine a conventional magazine.

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